Wednesday 19 June 2019

FYP2 : Week 17

Submission of Report

Objective : 

  • To submit the final report to the library
  • To complete all task and requirement for FYP2

Activity: 19th of June 2019 is the submission day of all coursework for the FYP2. There are seven things that required to be submitted which are :
  1. FYP Final Report Hardcover
  2. Project Submission Form
  3. Turnitin Report of Plagiarism
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Submission Metadata Form
  6. CD ( contains poster, final report, video of project, programming and project schematic)
  7. Technical Report
There were many problems happened before the submission such as wrong printing of hardcover by the printing shop and some others thing. All this thing is to be submitted to the library but need to go through submission checking by the supervisor, then head of FYP committee which is Dr. Imran. After both of this had check all the document and ensure the title and format according to the system, the things can be submitted to the library. Alhamdulillah everything went smooth for today submission.

A big thank you for all of person that had helped me through my FYP especially to my FYP supervisor, Dr. Siti Marwangi binti Mohamad Maharum that had sacrifice a lot of time to guide me and my friends without ever complaining, give motivation and even teach advance knowledge of Microsoft Word. Also thanks to my friends especially AK Abdul Hadi, Nur Sabrina and Nurul Azwanie who always exchange opinion and knowledge of everything. I am hoping my FYP will get flying colours result. Amin.

Figure 1 Hardcover of final report
Figure 2 Technical report of this project

Conclusion : FYP2 had teach student a lot of things such as to be more knowledgeable, wise managing time and even manage the stress. All this hard-full is to produced a great quality of graduates that prepared themselves physical and mental to face working environment reality.