Wednesday 19 September 2018

FYP1 : Week 9

IEEE Online Database Training

Objective :  To learn the correct and most efficient way to find database from IEEE website

Activity : 
This training held at Saniah Reduan Learning Hub  (Library) and the trainer is Mr. Edward Kennedy from United Technology. This training is how to getting started for searching on IEEE website which is . In this website there are few types of search for paperworks. For example, Journal category is the proved research which had finish the project while Standard is theory to prove journal is correct.

How to refine search on IEEE?

To search a sentence keyword is you need to add " at the start and end of the sentence. For example to search fall detection is "fall detection". If type fall detection without "" it will search for two different word which is fall AND detection.

Click Advance search option under search box

then it will show advance search options which you can type any keywords and u can set either between the keyword you want the it to be AND (it will have both keyword) , OR (if there have any one of the keyword) and NOT (it will not show that have not keyword).

Conclusion : I had learnt the right way to find research paperworks on IEEE with more precisely. So, I can starts with writing chapter literature review.

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