Friday, 26 October 2018

FYP1 : Week 14

Finding specification of the required components

Objective : To find components specification

Activity : This is part of methodology chapter. I need to find components specification by finding their datasheet and compare which model is more suitable for this project. There are for main components that required in this project are accelerometer, optical photoplethysmogram (PPG) sensor, Adruino UNO and GSM. For accelerometer, ADXL345 was chosen compared to ADXL33 has inbuilt functions such as free fall detection activity. Then GSM module SIM900A 
was chosen compared to SIM900 as this project only will use simple function of GSM which is to send alert SMS.

Conclusion : The list of required components are Arduino UNO, accelerometer ADXL345, PPG BH1792GLC and GSM SIM900A was chosen.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

FYP1 : Week 13

Presentation day

Objective : To do presentation of project proposal for FYP

Activity : 

Today I had accomplish presented my FYP1 presentation as it is 30% from my FYP assessment. The presentation was held at Dewan Gemilang, UniKL BMI. I was totally nervous while waiting for my turn to be assess.

There were 2 assessors that had assessed me. Picture below was taken while I waiting for my turn to be assess by those two lecturers.

Alhamdulillah everything is smooth during the presentation. I managed to counter back every question that had been asked from the assessor. I also take voice record of during the presentation as to record any suggested improvement idea from them. Here I attached link of my slideshow that I had uploaded at

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

FYP1 : Week 12

Final FYP1 briefing

Objective : 
  • To get the proper requirements on presentation slides
  • To learn on defending the project during presentation day

Activity : For today briefing was given by Di.Imran and my supervisor, Dr.Wangi. The presentation slideshow need to have project background, problem statement, objectives, scope and limitation, methodology, operational flowchart, block diagram, preliminary results and conclusion. The presentation will explained overall of this project proposal. Both of this briefing speaker give tips and trick to handle questions from assessor and to defend the project.

Conclusion : This briefing had made me become more confident to present for next week as the tips given. The slideshow presentation need to be settle up as soon as possible.

Monday, 1 October 2018

FYP 1 : Week 11

Writing literature review

Objective : To finish up literature review chapter

Activity : From a quite large number of previous projects I had downloaded from IEEE and had read, I had decided to choose these 3 research that using different way of device interface. Shown below is the table that I had summarized from all this 3 projects.

1. Dynamic Background Subtraction for Fall Detection System using a 2D Camera
By: Steven, Yueng & Miguel
2D camera
The camera always alert of every movement.
Only certain area covered.
2. Home Fall Detection System for the Elderly
By: Joseph Santiago, Eric Cotto, & friends
Only send alert when both condition of accelerometer and gyroscope agree.
Range limit of the device and phone because of Bluetooth range limit.
3. Elderly Safety Early-warning System Based on Android Mobile Phones
By: Yi-Nan Zhang, Hong-Yun Ning, Jie Bai
Android application
Use build-in accelerometer in the mobile phone.
Victim needs to click on screen for confirmation to cancel or send alert after fell.

Conclusion : As the literature review is done, I can  take the drawbacks of thise previous project as my project motivation. Then I can proceed with chapter 3 which is methodology.