Thursday, 21 February 2019

FYP2 : Week 3

Sensor changes

Objective : 

  • To replace sensor to be use for the project
  • To ensure which sensor suitable to be as replacement
Activity: I had already tried survey market price for photoplethysmographic (PPG) sensor which this sensor is to detect the blood pressure reading. However, none of this sensor sold in Malaysia.  Its only available at overseas market. Besides, the price for the sensor is 75$ which cost RM 311.70 as shown in figure 1.This sensor price is expensive and not affordable for a student and also for user under B40 group. So, this sensor need to be change to other sensor that might produce almost similar function.
Figure 1 PPG sensor's price
The most common sensor been used in other medical projects to detect vital reading is pulse sensor. This sensor can detect heart rate reading from the blood circulation. The sensor is available on Malaysia's market and the price of this sensor is only RM 20.90. Moreover, the coding of the pulse sensor have a lot of open source coding for it which can be refer in making this project. It also have official website for the sensor which is .  The size of this sensor is small which is only around 16mm of diameter with thickness only 3mm which make it suitable for this project as this project need to be in a compact size as it is a wearable device. It support voltage from 3V to 5V which same with others component in this project. Here I attached the datasheet of the pulse sensor : Datasheet Pulse Sensor  
Figure 2 Pulse sensor

Conclusion : The PPG sensor which to measure the blood pressure changed to pulse sensor as it easier to get in market and the price is more affordable. However, pulse sensor is to detect the heart rate of the user. As this project is focusing on blood pressure abnormality, the relationship between heart rate and blood pressure need to be study.

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

FYP2 : Week 2

Introductory FYP 2 Briefing

Objective : 

  • To brief about type of assessment, rules & regulation and marks weightage
  • To give schedule of activities throughout semester for FYP2

Activity : Today briefing was given by Dr. Wangi as head of FYP committee. The due date to finalize title is on 6th March 2019. Assessment for FYP2 is project presentation, project final report/thesis logbook and technical report.  Marks weightage in percentage division for those assessment as shown below :

Project presentation = 35%
Project final report  = 35%
 Logbook                 = 20%
 Technical report     = 10%

The project presentation will be held on Week 11. The submission date of project report is on 14th June 2019. Total value of claimable is RM500 per person which cover poster and report printing, components and PCB cost.

Conclusion : The overview of FYP2 is clear. As the presentation will be held a bit early than usual so the preparation of project need to be done as soon as possible.

Friday, 8 February 2019

FYP 2 : Week 1

Finalize components

Objective : To finalize and decide changes of component to be used for the project

Activity : I need to reconsider back components that needed to be used in this project. The main component that i would like to change is the microcontroller model which from Arduino Uno to Ardui Nano. This is because the project should be wearable device on wrist so I need to make surethe project in compact size which the dimension is only 43mm x 18mm compared to Uno 68.6mm x 53.3mm. This is the different of size between this two Arduino.

Even their size is different but most of the pin and function almost same which Uno have 6 analog input 14 digital output while Nano have 8 analog input with 14 digital output. Besides, both have same clock speed and flash memory which is 16Mhz and 32kB accordingly. The other difference of this two model of Arduino is the external power source which Uno using USB while Nano using Mini-B USB connection.

Conclusion: The Arduino Nano is more suitable to be used for the project because of it size that more compact.