Wednesday 13 February 2019

FYP2 : Week 2

Introductory FYP 2 Briefing

Objective : 

  • To brief about type of assessment, rules & regulation and marks weightage
  • To give schedule of activities throughout semester for FYP2

Activity : Today briefing was given by Dr. Wangi as head of FYP committee. The due date to finalize title is on 6th March 2019. Assessment for FYP2 is project presentation, project final report/thesis logbook and technical report.  Marks weightage in percentage division for those assessment as shown below :

Project presentation = 35%
Project final report  = 35%
 Logbook                 = 20%
 Technical report     = 10%

The project presentation will be held on Week 11. The submission date of project report is on 14th June 2019. Total value of claimable is RM500 per person which cover poster and report printing, components and PCB cost.

Conclusion : The overview of FYP2 is clear. As the presentation will be held a bit early than usual so the preparation of project need to be done as soon as possible.

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