Monday 27 May 2019

FYP2 : Week 16

Writing technical report

Objective : 

  • To simplify the full report of the project
  • To write the technical report to accomplish requirement for  FYP2
Activity: Technical report for the project is one of the requirement for the FYP2. This technical report is basically a simplified paper from the full final report of this project. I should be only in 3 to 5 pages of paper with double column for the paragraph. There are five main components of the technical report which are abstract, introduction, method, results and reference which same as the full report. However, the technique of writing it is quite different. The method of writing as shown below:

INTRODUCTION : i) Project introduction
                               ii)Problem statement
                              iii)Literature Review
                            iv)Project objective

   METHOD : i)Block diagram
                       iii)Circuit diagram

RESULTS : i)Graph          
                                 iii)Dimension of project

Conclusion : Writing a technical report is more easier compare to full report as it use very straight to the point and easy to be understand for the reader. It a compact verse of full report.

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