Wednesday, 19 June 2019

FYP2 : Week 17

Submission of Report

Objective : 

  • To submit the final report to the library
  • To complete all task and requirement for FYP2

Activity: 19th of June 2019 is the submission day of all coursework for the FYP2. There are seven things that required to be submitted which are :
  1. FYP Final Report Hardcover
  2. Project Submission Form
  3. Turnitin Report of Plagiarism
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Submission Metadata Form
  6. CD ( contains poster, final report, video of project, programming and project schematic)
  7. Technical Report
There were many problems happened before the submission such as wrong printing of hardcover by the printing shop and some others thing. All this thing is to be submitted to the library but need to go through submission checking by the supervisor, then head of FYP committee which is Dr. Imran. After both of this had check all the document and ensure the title and format according to the system, the things can be submitted to the library. Alhamdulillah everything went smooth for today submission.

A big thank you for all of person that had helped me through my FYP especially to my FYP supervisor, Dr. Siti Marwangi binti Mohamad Maharum that had sacrifice a lot of time to guide me and my friends without ever complaining, give motivation and even teach advance knowledge of Microsoft Word. Also thanks to my friends especially AK Abdul Hadi, Nur Sabrina and Nurul Azwanie who always exchange opinion and knowledge of everything. I am hoping my FYP will get flying colours result. Amin.

Figure 1 Hardcover of final report
Figure 2 Technical report of this project

Conclusion : FYP2 had teach student a lot of things such as to be more knowledgeable, wise managing time and even manage the stress. All this hard-full is to produced a great quality of graduates that prepared themselves physical and mental to face working environment reality.

Monday, 27 May 2019

FYP2 : Week 16

Writing technical report

Objective : 

  • To simplify the full report of the project
  • To write the technical report to accomplish requirement for  FYP2
Activity: Technical report for the project is one of the requirement for the FYP2. This technical report is basically a simplified paper from the full final report of this project. I should be only in 3 to 5 pages of paper with double column for the paragraph. There are five main components of the technical report which are abstract, introduction, method, results and reference which same as the full report. However, the technique of writing it is quite different. The method of writing as shown below:

INTRODUCTION : i) Project introduction
                               ii)Problem statement
                              iii)Literature Review
                            iv)Project objective

   METHOD : i)Block diagram
                       iii)Circuit diagram

RESULTS : i)Graph          
                                 iii)Dimension of project

Conclusion : Writing a technical report is more easier compare to full report as it use very straight to the point and easy to be understand for the reader. It a compact verse of full report.

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

FYP2 : Week 15

Continue writing Results (Device) 

Objective : 

  • To write result based on the objective of the project
  • To show the device based from the development of this project

Activity: The main objective of this project is to develop a device that can detect fall signs that happen to the elderly via using accelerometer and pulse sensor. This is the result of the wearable device to detect the fall incident. The device has a box that contain  the components of this project ad a strap attached with it to be wear on the wrist. The box size is 20x6x2.5 cm which is quite compact and the angle of the box is curve and not sharp which is safe for the user. From the front of the device can be seen the battery compartment and antenna of GSM. From the left-side of the device have a cancellation button which to cancel if it a false alarm. Then, from the left-side also have a hole for buzzer sound and  Mini-B USB port for Arduino Nano. From the right-side of the device can be seen the hole for pulse sensor wire as it located under the device box. Besides, it also have on/off switch and a step-down converter. All other components was located inside the box.

Device front perspective

Left-side view of the device

Right-side view of the device
View inside of the device
The device weared on the wrist

Conclusion : This device had been developed in a quite compact size which can be wear on the elderly wrist.  This shown the main objective of this project had been achieved.

Thursday, 16 May 2019

FYP2 : Week 14

Writing Second Results 
(Relationship between Heart Rate and Blood Pressure)

Objective : 

  • To identify the relationship between the heart rate and blood pressure
  • To continue writing chapter 4 for final project report

Activity: As this project is focusing on about blood pressure but the pulse sensor only can detect the heart rate so this is to investigate their relationship. As mentioned from, there could be variation in the relationship between the blood pressure and heart rate. If the heart rate increase, the blood pressure may also increase but the increase rate might not rise at the same rate. So, this experiment use patient monitor which used two part of it which are the pulse oximeter to measure the heart rate and non-invasive blood pressure to measure blood pressure(NIBP). Pulse oximeter need to clip the sensor on fingertip while NIBP use a cuff to measure blood pressure. The normal heart rate is from 60 to 100 heart beat per minute (bpm). Meanwhile, the normal range of blood pressure is from 120 for systolic and 80 for diastolic.Blood pressure reading unit in melimeters mercury (mmHg).

As can be seen below in Figure 1 which is the result for person 1, the heart rate is 57 which is lower than normal range of heart rate. Then, the blood pressure reading is 97/55 which 97 represent the systolic value and 55 for diastolic. This blood pressure is in low blood pressure category or known as hypotension in medical terms. The other results can be seen from Figure 2 which for person 3, the heart rate more than 100 which is higher than normal rate and the blood pressure produced in high blood pressure category or known as hypertension. The blood pressure will increases when the heart rate increases and vice versa. This shows that when heart rate lower than 60 will cause the low blood pressure and when the heart rate above 100 will produce high blood pressure category.

Figure 1 Resuls display on the patient monitor
Figure 2 Graph blood pressure versus heart rate

Conclusion : As conclusion, abnormal reading of heart rate will produce abnormal blood pressure. Fall alarm will be send out after it detect fall threshold and abnormality of blood pressure.

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

FYP2 : Week 13

Start writing Chapter 4

Objective : 

  • To write project form the project
  • To get the fall signal reading threshold from accelerometer

Activity: The main important part of this project is to get the fall accelerometer reading threshold to detect fall occur. This is to differentiate between fall with other routine activities such as walking upstairs, walking downstairs, sitting down and sitting up.. Accelerometer was attached on the wrist during the experiment.
Graph during walking upstairs
Graph during walking downstairs

Graph of sitting down

Graph of sitting up

Graph of falling

As the accellerometer have 3-axis which are X, Y and Z. The Y-axis represent vertical acceleration, X-axis is forward acceleration and Z-axis for side-away acceleration. The starting value for X and Y axis at 0 while for Y-axis at -256. Most of the activities did not give much different to the accelerometer reading except for sitting down and fall. Sitting down produced negative peak value of Y-axis meanwhile fall produced positive value of Y-axis which is 700. From all activities, Y-axis give the most differences value of changes during the activity so this project chose to only detect the Y-axis of accelerometer and set the threshold value at 700.

Conclusion : All routine activities produced different value of accelerometer output. The axis that produced the biggest changes among the three axis was Y-axis so noted that only value of teh Y-axis of accelerometer was covered in this project and the threshold for fall detection is 700 and above.

Tuesday, 30 April 2019

FYP2 : Week 12

Recommendation for the project

Objective : 

  • To recommend for the future project
  • To make sure the future project can improve the limitation of this project

Activity: During the project exhibition day last week, the assessors had give few opinion on recommendations to upgrade the project. Recommendations is a part of chapter in the final report. The first recommendation by the first assessor is to add GPS sensor which to detect the location of the elderly. This is because the elderly might go out to garden or market. Second recommendation
by second assessor is to also send message when the alert had been cancel. This is to alert that might be false alarmor the elderly did fall down but can get up by themselves after the fall occurred. Next, the device may be added with LCD as they can monitor their vital sign to keep monitor their health status. Besides, the device will have extra point if the it be connect with Internet of Thing (IoT) such as Blynk and Thinger,io which can show the data from device to the smartphone.

Conclusion : By having these recommendations can improve the project and reduce the limitation and weakness of this project. Thanks to all assessor that willing to give opinions on recomendation for the project.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

FYP2 : Week 11

Final Project Exhibition
Objective : 

  • To present about the project to assessor 
  • To get recommendations for the project from others

Activity: Today the final year project exhibition was held. Some presenting their project at Dewan Gemilang while some of it (included myself) presented at lab. By 8 a.m. I went to to lab to setup and prepare for the presentation. However, there was a lecturer using that lab so I need move to another lab. Total of presenter at the lab is 6 person and I was the second presenter. I have got acquainted with the other presenter at the lab while waiting for the assessors come. At 9.30 a.m. , the first assessor, Dr. Muhammad Noor bin Nordin had arrived. After I had done explained about my project based on the poster, he did ask few technical question such as the frequency of GSM and he also give some situation and ask for the response of the device. Besides, he also give some recommendation for the project. The next assessor, Sir Mohd Syazwan bin Mohd Yid came at 11:45 p.m.. He did ask few questions and I had demonstrated the project. He also had gave some recommendations for the project.
Figure 1 Presentation to first assessor

Figure 2 Presentation to second assessor

Figure 3 Picture of me with poster

Conclusion : It just a relieved as the big day of this semester which is project exhibition day had went well. Some recommendations had gained from the assessors. I need to start write my final report of FYP2 without any hesitation.