Wednesday 1 August 2018

FYP1 : Week 3

Brainstorming of problems

 Objective : To find out problems that happen nowadays

Activity : 
This discussion is to brainstorming problems that recently happen nowadays. There are 5 persons there for the discussion which is myself, Hadi, Azwanie, Sabrina and my supervisor, Dr.Wangi. All of us are under the same supervisor. More person involve means more ideas can be shared and exchange together. After had been discussed, there are few problems that regarding with medical.
  • What if incident happen to a car/ motor and during that time no other car/motor there, so no one know it. How the driver/rider want to get help?
  • How to avoid heat stroke among children that had been left inside the car when the parents forgot them?
  • How to record exact time of epilepsy incidents?
  • How to reduce death among elderly from fall incident during they staying alone.

Conclusion : I had chosen problem regarding falls incident among elderly. I need to find a way to solve the problem.

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