Wednesday 29 August 2018

FYP1 : Week 7

Workshop for Report Writing for Chapter 1 & 2

Objective : To learn guideline on how to write Chapter 1 and 2

Activity : Today a report writing workshop for chapter 1 and 2 had been given by Dr.Imran. The event held on 29 August 2018 at TTL 2, UniKL BMI. Dr.Imran had brief all requirement for the FYP report is it should have 5 chapters which are:
  • Chapter 1 : Introduction
  • Chapter 2 : Literature review
  • Chapter 3 : Methodology
  • Chapter 4 : Results and discussion
  • Chapter 5 : Future works and conclusion
However, only chapter 1 until chapter 3 needed for students FYP1 to do. The balance of chapter 4 and 5 will be proceed during FYP 2. This is because for this semester students only make proposal for their FYP. For FYP 2 will proceed with development of project.

Conclusion : Today I had been guide about report requirement for chapter 1 and 2. I can proceed with chapter 2 after I finished up write chapter 1.

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