Friday 8 March 2019

FYP2 : Week 5

Arduino Nano interfaces

Objective : 

  • To study about microcontroller interface of Arduino Nano 

Activity: As i had bought some components last week, so this week i had started for Arduino Nano interfacing. The first step is download CH340 which to show the port of Arduino Nano as the Arduino nano mostly from China and it sometimes having problem of showing port in the Arduino software. Here I attached the link file that you can download it : CH340 Download . Then, open Device Manager > Ports (COM & LPT) and the port of Arduino will be shown up as well as in the Arduino software.
Figure 1 Port number shown in device manager
Figure 2 Port number of Arduino shown in the Arduino software
Next, I had tried to burn coding from examples to test the Arduino Nano. Open the Arduino IDE software. Go to File >Examples > Basic and I had selected Blink. Then, click Upload that have right arrow symbol and wait until it finished upload. However, I cannot upload the coding as it shown error.

Conclusion : As I bought the cheap Arduino Nano, so some problems might happen. I need to troubleshoot and find solution for the error of uploading the code into the Arduino Nano.

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