Monday 18 March 2019

FYP2 : Week 7

Accelerometer interface

Objective : 
  • To study the interface between accelerometer and Arduino Nano
  • To get accelerometer reading of fall detection

Activity: This week I had tried the first part of my project which is finding the fall acceleration of the accelerometer reading. As to get consistent of acceleration, the accelerometer must placed on a static position. So, I had planned to put it on a small breadboard as shown in Figure 1. However, my Arduino Nano pin did not fit to the breadboard hole. I decided to resolder the pin leg back. I did suck the solder ion at the pin legs. Unfortunately when i want to solder it back, it so freaking hard to solder it as the pin is very near to each other and the solder ion keep twinning the pin legs. So i had failed to resolder the pin legs back. I just directly solder the jumper wire connection to the hole. Same goes with accelerometer. I had put them on a board and place it on the wrist.

Figure 1 Accelerometer connection with Arduino Nano

Figure 2 Arduino's pin not fit into the breadboard hole

I tried to run a coding that i got from open source for accelerometer. As you know, accelerometer have 3-axis which are X, Y and Z. The Y-axis is vertical acceleration, X-axis is forward acceleration and Z-axis is side-away acceleration. From all those 3-axis, Y-axis shown the most different when fall occur. The threshold was decided to set at 700 reading of accelerometer on Y-axis. Fallwill detect when the reading more than the threshold value. More detail will be discuss when i start write my Results and Discussion for my report.

Conclusion : Only Y-axis chosen for fall detection of this project. This is because Y-axis produces the most impacted andgive biggest changes during fall incident.

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