Sunday 31 March 2019

FYP2 : Week 8

Pulse sensor interface

Objective : 

  • To know how to interface between pulse sensor and Arduino Nano
  • To do research background about heart rate and blood pressure

Activity: The function of pulse sensor is to get the heart rate reading from the blood circulation. There are three recommended place location for the sensor which is on fingertip, wrist and earlobe. For this project, the sensor chosen to be place on the  wrist. To try interface the pulse sensor with Arduino Nano, a coding from open source had been tried to interface between pulse sensor and Arduino Nano. The pulse sensor connected to pin A0 as it produce analog input. The VCC pin of pulse sensor was connected with 5V pin on Arduino and for Ground pin of the pulse sensor was connected to the ground pin of Arduino.

Figure 1 Connection pin between pulse sensor and Arduino
Figure 2 Heart rate reading on serial monitor
The normal heart rate is from 60 to 100 heart beat per minute (bpm). Meanwhile, the normal range of blood pressure is from 120 for systolic and 80 for diastolic.Blood pressure reading unit in melimeters mercury (mmHg). As mention from, there could be variation in relationship between blood pressure and heart rate. When heart rate reading increases, blood pressure reading will also increase but it not rise at the same rate. So, a study had been done to get the relationship between the blood pressure. The results shown when the heart rate higher from its normal range which is 100 bpm, the blood pressure also in high blood pressure (hypertension) range while when the heart rate lower from its normal range which is 60 bpm, the blood pressure also in low blood pressure (hypotension) range.

Conclusion : The relationship between heart rate and blood pressure is the abnormal reading of heart rate produced abnormal range of blood pressure class. More details will be discuss when I starts write chapter Results and Discussion for final report.

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