Thursday 11 April 2019

FYP2 : Week 9

Interfaces of all component & design

Objective : 

  • To combine all components parts and their interface for this project
  • To finalize the design of the device

Activity: As there are two more weeks for the project presentation, I need to speed up in making this project. For the device sketch, i have planned to put all the components inside a box. Then, the box will be attach with a strap as it need to be wear on the wrist of the elderly. The skect of project shown in Figure 2 and 3. Then, I had finalized the circuit diagram of combination all components for this project as shown in Figure 1. All this I just combine from the parts of each component interfaces that had been done before. This are the connection pin between the Arduino Nano and all the components of the project :
Accelerometer (SDA & SCL) : A4 & A5                   
Pulse sensor : A0 
GSM (RX & TX) : A2 & A3
Alert cancelation button : A6                    
Figure 1 Circuit diagram of this project

Figure 2 Front view device sketch

Figure 3 View from side of device sketch

Conclusion : This shown the finalized design of device and circuit diagram for the project. All of this need to make it as a real device and working well right after this. Let's face the sleepless night for two more weeks.

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