Recommendation for the project
Objective :
- To recommend for the future project
- To make sure the future project can improve the limitation of this project
Activity: During the project exhibition day last week, the assessors had give few opinion on recommendations to upgrade the project. Recommendations is a part of chapter in the final report. The first recommendation by the first assessor is to add GPS sensor which to detect the location of the elderly. This is because the elderly might go out to garden or market. Second recommendation
by second assessor is to also send message when the alert had been cancel. This is to alert that might be false alarmor the elderly did fall down but can get up by themselves after the fall occurred. Next, the device may be added with LCD as they can monitor their vital sign to keep monitor their health status. Besides, the device will have extra point if the it be connect with Internet of Thing (IoT) such as Blynk and Thinger,io which can show the data from device to the smartphone.
Conclusion : By having these recommendations can improve the project and reduce the limitation and weakness of this project. Thanks to all assessor that willing to give opinions on recomendation for the project.