Friday, 23 November 2018

FYP1 : Week 17

Report Submission

Objective: To submit a part of FYP assessment

Activity : I had printed out the report and submitted it to my supervisor's pigeon hole. This report mark is 35% of my total mark for FYP.

Conclusion : I had finished all my FYP1 assessment which are presentation, proposal report and this blog as logbook. I hope I can get flying colours result for my FYP1. Pray for me.

Sunday, 11 November 2018

FYP1 : Week 16

Compiling and final editing of the proposal report

Objective : To finalizing and compiling the proposal report

Activity : For this last step of finishing this proposal report, an abstract was made to simplify all the  report into one page for reader to see overall of the project when read it. Then, list of content. figures and table had been created. The report also need to follow certain value of page margin that as required in report guideline.

Conclusion : This proposal report had been finalized for submission. The report need to be submit by next week.

Friday, 2 November 2018

FYP1 : Week 15

Finishing methodology chapter

Objective : To finish up proposal report for chapter 3

Activity : In this methodology chapter, there have few main part which are block diagram, flowchart,project sketch, required components, schematic diagram, cost estimation and Gantt chart. This chapter is quite long as it explained about technical part of the project. Here I attached few parts of the methodology which is flowchart and block diagram.

Conclusion : This methodology chapter had been settled up. By completing all this 3 chapter, I can proceed with making abstract.

Friday, 26 October 2018

FYP1 : Week 14

Finding specification of the required components

Objective : To find components specification

Activity : This is part of methodology chapter. I need to find components specification by finding their datasheet and compare which model is more suitable for this project. There are for main components that required in this project are accelerometer, optical photoplethysmogram (PPG) sensor, Adruino UNO and GSM. For accelerometer, ADXL345 was chosen compared to ADXL33 has inbuilt functions such as free fall detection activity. Then GSM module SIM900A 
was chosen compared to SIM900 as this project only will use simple function of GSM which is to send alert SMS.

Conclusion : The list of required components are Arduino UNO, accelerometer ADXL345, PPG BH1792GLC and GSM SIM900A was chosen.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

FYP1 : Week 13

Presentation day

Objective : To do presentation of project proposal for FYP

Activity : 

Today I had accomplish presented my FYP1 presentation as it is 30% from my FYP assessment. The presentation was held at Dewan Gemilang, UniKL BMI. I was totally nervous while waiting for my turn to be assess.

There were 2 assessors that had assessed me. Picture below was taken while I waiting for my turn to be assess by those two lecturers.

Alhamdulillah everything is smooth during the presentation. I managed to counter back every question that had been asked from the assessor. I also take voice record of during the presentation as to record any suggested improvement idea from them. Here I attached link of my slideshow that I had uploaded at

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

FYP1 : Week 12

Final FYP1 briefing

Objective : 
  • To get the proper requirements on presentation slides
  • To learn on defending the project during presentation day

Activity : For today briefing was given by Di.Imran and my supervisor, Dr.Wangi. The presentation slideshow need to have project background, problem statement, objectives, scope and limitation, methodology, operational flowchart, block diagram, preliminary results and conclusion. The presentation will explained overall of this project proposal. Both of this briefing speaker give tips and trick to handle questions from assessor and to defend the project.

Conclusion : This briefing had made me become more confident to present for next week as the tips given. The slideshow presentation need to be settle up as soon as possible.

Monday, 1 October 2018

FYP 1 : Week 11

Writing literature review

Objective : To finish up literature review chapter

Activity : From a quite large number of previous projects I had downloaded from IEEE and had read, I had decided to choose these 3 research that using different way of device interface. Shown below is the table that I had summarized from all this 3 projects.

1. Dynamic Background Subtraction for Fall Detection System using a 2D Camera
By: Steven, Yueng & Miguel
2D camera
The camera always alert of every movement.
Only certain area covered.
2. Home Fall Detection System for the Elderly
By: Joseph Santiago, Eric Cotto, & friends
Only send alert when both condition of accelerometer and gyroscope agree.
Range limit of the device and phone because of Bluetooth range limit.
3. Elderly Safety Early-warning System Based on Android Mobile Phones
By: Yi-Nan Zhang, Hong-Yun Ning, Jie Bai
Android application
Use build-in accelerometer in the mobile phone.
Victim needs to click on screen for confirmation to cancel or send alert after fell.

Conclusion : As the literature review is done, I can  take the drawbacks of thise previous project as my project motivation. Then I can proceed with chapter 3 which is methodology.

Friday, 21 September 2018

FYP1 : Week 10

Workshop on writing report for chapter 3, 4 and abstract

Objective : To learn on how to write chapter 3,4 and abstract properly

Activity : The workshop was held at TTL2, Unikl BMI and the speaker is Dr.Imran. For today Dr Imran had explained that chapter 3 of proposal report which is methodology should have flowchart, block diagram,Gantt chart and few more. For chapter 4 which is results and discussion, results from simulation can be insert. Abstract should be write after finished writing all chapters as it is a short synopsis that conclude from all chapters. Besides, Dr.Imran also explained about project presentation requirement. The presentation should be short and sweet which expected for 15 minutes with maximum 15 powerpoint slides.

Conclusion : From this second workshop, I can see clearer about overall proposal report and presentation day. I should get myself ready to work harder from this onward to write report.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

FYP1 : Week 9

IEEE Online Database Training

Objective :  To learn the correct and most efficient way to find database from IEEE website

Activity : 
This training held at Saniah Reduan Learning Hub  (Library) and the trainer is Mr. Edward Kennedy from United Technology. This training is how to getting started for searching on IEEE website which is . In this website there are few types of search for paperworks. For example, Journal category is the proved research which had finish the project while Standard is theory to prove journal is correct.

How to refine search on IEEE?

To search a sentence keyword is you need to add " at the start and end of the sentence. For example to search fall detection is "fall detection". If type fall detection without "" it will search for two different word which is fall AND detection.

Click Advance search option under search box

then it will show advance search options which you can type any keywords and u can set either between the keyword you want the it to be AND (it will have both keyword) , OR (if there have any one of the keyword) and NOT (it will not show that have not keyword).

Conclusion : I had learnt the right way to find research paperworks on IEEE with more precisely. So, I can starts with writing chapter literature review.

Saturday, 15 September 2018

FYP1 : Week 8

Finding articles for literature review

Objective : To find article that can be revised as literature review

Activity : As we know, literature review is a review of previous projects. So, I had searched on IEEE website to find some of project that have same scope as my project. Basically IEEE is a website that provide research and paperworks of anything regarding electric and electronic. This website had to paid if want to download the paperwork. Fortunately, Unikl provided student access for IEEE for its students.

Few previous project that i've got from IEEE and even from Google Scholar such listed below :

Conclusion : I had found few useful paperworks of previous project that I can review and find the advantages and drawbacks of its project.

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

FYP1 : Week 7

Workshop for Report Writing for Chapter 1 & 2

Objective : To learn guideline on how to write Chapter 1 and 2

Activity : Today a report writing workshop for chapter 1 and 2 had been given by Dr.Imran. The event held on 29 August 2018 at TTL 2, UniKL BMI. Dr.Imran had brief all requirement for the FYP report is it should have 5 chapters which are:
  • Chapter 1 : Introduction
  • Chapter 2 : Literature review
  • Chapter 3 : Methodology
  • Chapter 4 : Results and discussion
  • Chapter 5 : Future works and conclusion
However, only chapter 1 until chapter 3 needed for students FYP1 to do. The balance of chapter 4 and 5 will be proceed during FYP 2. This is because for this semester students only make proposal for their FYP. For FYP 2 will proceed with development of project.

Conclusion : Today I had been guide about report requirement for chapter 1 and 2. I can proceed with chapter 2 after I finished up write chapter 1.

Saturday, 25 August 2018

FYP1 : Week 6

Start writing for Chapter 1

Objective : To finish up Chapter 1 for proposal report

Activity : My supervisor, Dr. wangi had provided Chapter 1 outline for proposal report which contain of 5 subtopics such as below:
Few articles and journals that I had read about how, what and why falls incident happened among elderly. Here is the best journal about falls incident statistic officially by World Health Organization (WHO) , Ministry of Health Malaysia and few more journal on effect of hypertension (high blood pressure) and hypotension (low blood pressure). 

Conclusion :
Research based on problem regarding to my FYP project had been done. I need to settle up this chapter 1 so I can proceed with chapter 2.

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

FYP1 : Week 5

Discussion with supervisor

Objective : To discuss with supervisor about the project based on project synopsis

Activity : I had made a project synopsis for fall detection and show it to my supervisor. In the synopsis, I told my supervisor  that i would like to focus on blood pressure abnormality. This is because one of the reasons falls incident happen is because if the blood pressure too high or too low, it cause the victim will feel dizzy and it may cause fall. 

Conclusion : I had done showing my project synopsis. The title of my project had been added up to Development 0F Elderly Fall Detection Due to Abnormality in Blood Pressure Reading. I already can start with writing report proposal for chapter 1.

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

FYP1 : Week 4

Selection project title

Objective : To decide project title for Final Year Project

Activity : Based from problem discussed last week, a solution is needed as the project will helps to handle the problem. The problem is about falls incident among elderly that can cause death. So, a way to help this problem is by making a project that can detect fall incident then send alert to someone nearby or any contact list. So, the title had been chose is "Development of Falls Detection among Elderly".

Conclusion : Project development had been chose as type of my FYP project. The title of the project also had been chosen. So, I need to produce project synopsis to show tomy supervisor to ask for her opinion.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

FYP1 : Week 3

Brainstorming of problems

 Objective : To find out problems that happen nowadays

Activity : 
This discussion is to brainstorming problems that recently happen nowadays. There are 5 persons there for the discussion which is myself, Hadi, Azwanie, Sabrina and my supervisor, Dr.Wangi. All of us are under the same supervisor. More person involve means more ideas can be shared and exchange together. After had been discussed, there are few problems that regarding with medical.
  • What if incident happen to a car/ motor and during that time no other car/motor there, so no one know it. How the driver/rider want to get help?
  • How to avoid heat stroke among children that had been left inside the car when the parents forgot them?
  • How to record exact time of epilepsy incidents?
  • How to reduce death among elderly from fall incident during they staying alone.

Conclusion : I had chosen problem regarding falls incident among elderly. I need to find a way to solve the problem.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

FYP1 : Week 2

Introductory FYP1 briefing

Objective : To understand FYP1 requirements and its procedure

Activity : 

This briefing had been held at 25 July 2018 (Wednesday) at TTL2,Unikl BMI from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. The briefing had been given by Dr. Imran.  Dr.Imran explained about FYP1 which contain of 3 assessment which is FYP1 proposal presentation, logbook and project proposal report. Percentage division for those assessments are:

 Proposal Presentation35%
Project proposal report = 35% 
Logbook = 30%

Besides, Dr.Imran also informed that due date to register  project title is on week 6 which the deadline is 24 August 2018. Students require to register through their supervisor. FYP project have 2 categories which are project development and project research. Student can choose either one of that. Few handouts were given.

Conclusion : The procedure and assessment of Final Year Project is clearer. Few things need to settle are decide either to do research project or development project and discuss on the possible project tittle.

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

FYP1 : Week 1

Find supervisor

Objective : To find a supervisor that can give guidance to do final year project.

Activity : I had approached few lecturers that I think they are good guider to student. Firstly,I had started with lecturers from Medical electronics section. Unfortunately, most of them already been full quota of students to be supervise. So, I proceed to find supervisor from the electronic section. One of electronic section's lecturer that I like most is Dr. Siti Marwangi as she used to teach me last semester for subject Microprocessor. I thinks I scored that subject with flying colour because the way she teach student and guide student is excellent. So, I and few of my friends decided to approach Dr. Marwangi to be our supervisor. After we had some table talk, Dr. Wangi agreed to be my supervisor.

Conclusion : The supervisor for my final year project is Dr Siti Marwangi from electronic section. By having supervisor, I should start find possible tittle of project.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Labview Exercise

This post is basically about our first exercise using Labview software during laboratory class on last tuesday. The task is to generate output from analogue trainer to simulate the output display in the Labview. There are 3 wave which are:
i) Triangle with 3Vp-p
ii) Square with 1.5Vamp
     iii)Sinusoidal with 2.5Vrms 

First of all, DAQ USB 6210 been connected with laptop because this is as interpreter between function generator and Labview software.Then input channel Al1 been connected at output of function generator and connect ground at DAQ with ground at function generator.

For the first task, the output of function generator is displaying at the DAQ Assistant. The triangle wave had been choose as the type of waveform. Adjust the amplitude until it get 3Vp-p which is the upper peak is 1.5V and the lower peak at -1.5Vp which the distance between upper peak to lower peak is 3V.

Then, click OK and it will display the block diagram window, then click beside of "data" in the DAQ Assistant and choose create then choose graph indicator. It will show a oscilloscope icon, then connect it with DAQ Assistant.

Click at the oscilloscope icon and it will appear oscilloscope display at Front Panel window. Then, click "Run" which is symbol of black arrow → and the output signal will appear.

For the second task, square wave been set on the function generator and repeat all the same steps for task 1.

To get the the waveform only in positive value because the task mentioned 1.5Vamp. So change the starting value reading of voltage to 0 as it should be in positive only.

Last but not least, for task 3 required sinusoidal waveform so set it as sin wave at the function generator. Click t the DAQ Assistant to see the output display and need to calculate Vrms using formula Vrms= Vp √2 and it needs 3.6Vpeak to get 2.55Vrms.

So that's all for Labview Exercise 1 and until we meet again🙂.